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Data Entry

What Kind of Data Entry Jobs Can Be Handled?

1. We are fully geared to handle jobs using Access, dBass, or FoxPro.
2. If you need a different format, we will do our best to accommodate you.

Infrastructure Available For Data Entry

1. Our staff has several years in Data Entry experience.
2. We work around the clcok in order to ensure fast delivery.
3. We are available seven days a week.
4. We are continuously upgrading.
5. We can add software upgrades per your specific needs.

Typical Steps Involved In Placing Your Data Entry Order

1. Specify field structure, character length, etc. (set-up fee may apply).
2. Specify the software platfrom.
3. Fax or mail us a simple packet for a trial processing.
4. Indicate volume of work and finalize fee structure.
5. Give us a time frame for completing the work.

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